
Hey! Hi.

So. It's been a while. And while I've been busy trying new things and writing in other (mostly private) spaces, I've missed you.

I'm still old.

Older than I was when this photo was snapped.

And I will be donning the Santa hat again before you know it.

But right now I am enjoying the beginning of Second Spring. It gets so oppressively hot here in the summer that growing things mostly go dormant and use all their reserves just to keep from withering and dying. Some make it. Some do not. Those that do begin to awaken when the temperatures drop a bit.

Last night we enjoyed a breeze at sunset and Mr. Last and I took a cold beverage out to The Park where we sat and talked in the dark and watched the stars come out. It was so pleasant and relaxing.

We are going to do more of that.

And I am going to do more of this.

Second Spring for growing things, and a return to blogging for Oma.

Good things go round, it seems. I suppose bad things go round, too. Perhaps the greater truth is --

Things go round. That's kinda what got me starting blogging in the first place.

So hang on. Here I go. Round and round some more.

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