Before too long the sun came up. It does that every morning, but it's special to watch the sun rise over the fields while swaying gently in a comfy window seat in Car #2.
This is Mr. Conductor. He took my ticket and complimented my wardrobe. He especially liked my polka dot tights and Teva sandals. Who can blame him?
He didn't mention my swirly earrings, though.
Next time I'll snap some pictures of the train itself and/or the train station for the pleasure of the GrandBoys. They are pretty big fans of all things train-related. Look. In this reenactment of my journey Number One GrandSon is pointing out Oma's Stealth Train. It's invisible.
I enjoyed a lovely visit up north with Oma the Great for a couple of days before I had to return to our Little House in the Valley. And when I arrived home I found a personal invitation to the upcoming celebration of all the years of Miss Bee's life. (Two.)
My Spring social calendar is rounding out nicely I think. I'll be exploring some local scenery in a few days, so check back for highlights from the further Adventures of Oma.
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