I dragged her to CSUB for Engineering Day to give hope to those concerned about "the shortage of scientists and engineers, and the negative impact that shortage has on American competitiveness in the world." Well, yeah, that, and...to check out internship possibilities.
Because we were there independently, without matching polo shirts and a high school teacher, they almost turned us away. But we smiled (see above) and said "please???" and they let us tag along pretending to be with a pre-registered and pre-approved group. Geez.
So far both of our local state universities have only succeeded in convincing us that California has far less to offer than out-of-state schools. That is kinda sad.
But you won't see the smiles (see above) fading from our faces any time soon, because the youngish one this week got invitations from the top two universities of her choice in a neighboring state to continue her excellent scholarly ways with either of them. And today just convinced us that she continues to be headed in the right direction.
Well done, Youngish One.
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